
Gail Krinsky welcomed everyone. Sixteen (16) people attended our 2013 Meeting at the Polo Grille. Each attendee stood up and introduced themselves.

Only two people in attendance were familiar with Blue Goose. I presented from the Blue Goose Today handout and provided a printed copy for all who attended.

Printed membership applications were provided and six were completed and handed in. The group has decided to have their Annual Dues be $50.00 to stay in line with the Texas Pond.

Charity Involvement was discussed. F.E.L.T. which stands for Feeding Empty Little Tummies was selected. Its founder will present to us at our Feb. meeting.

The Sarasota folks will be meeting the 4th Thursday of every month.

Meeting Location - discussed preferences. The Lakewood Ranch area is ideal for an insurance gathering. We may need to change the location as the area we occupied was too noisy for a meeting or presentation. The fee for the private dining room is $300. Not an option right now for us so we will seek alternatives. The Grille was recommended as it is a big supporter of FELT. We may be able to get a private room there. We will look into it.

The group discussed how they would like to proceed with meeting structure: Things discussed were: 
* What will provide most value to you? 
* Member profile / Company profiles limited to 15 minutes.  Marketing materials will be allowed, but this not to be a sales promotion.
* Topic: Speaker 
* Professional networking 
* Committee presentations on our activities 

The group was asked what would make this meeting valuable to them. These suggestions were made: 
* Speakers 
* Social networking 
* Member Company profiles 
* Large local company such as Tropicana presentation 
* Human Resources Speaker 
* BG Member Company Profiles: no more than 15 minutes, no PPT presentations but brochures or marketing materials can be distributed; this is informational only and not a sales presentation. 
* Feb. meeting - Anthony Satira – Global Risk Solutions 
* March Meeting – Fran Pollock – Zenith 

Gail asked that suggestions be sent to her for speakers, topics, names of companies from whom a profile would be interesting and any other thoughts on valuable activities that will bring value to the members.

We discussed fund raising events and the consensus was not to tackle anything as large as a golf outing or tournament. Family activities, runs or walks, food drives and bake sales were discussed.  We will work on this again next month when we have more of a membership roster and will have the benefit of the charity founder to provide us with suggestions.