This Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International was founded on the banks of the “Mother Pond” at Green Lake, Wisconsin on June 19, 1906, just weeks after the Great San Francisco Earthquake, which threatened the mere existence of the insurance industry in America. Herein we shall explain the basic principles upon which this Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International was founded in order that one may have a clear understanding of its purpose.
The Order was not designed to interfere with the operation of, nor to direct in any manner, the business of insurance; but rather to bring together in social and friendly relationships those who comprise the great community of insurance professionals. No reference is made, nor distinction created, as to the various classes of companies or their modes of operation; but we are banded together to inculcate Character, Charity and Fellowship.
Our business is a most honorable one. It possesses greater capacity for the fuller education than any other human occupation. It is capable of developing the reasonably ideal person. But it matters not how much one may know of the intricacies of our business, nor how high one may rise in their ranks. One’s gain is but temporary and one’s mission is unfulfilled, if one fails to achieve the cardinal elements of Character.
Charity is one of these cardinal elements and one which is most needed in the world of affairs. We urge one to inculcate the spirit of Charity toward others, especially those who are our fellow Ganders. To this end it should remembered that a personal grievance or the conventional dislike which one person may have for another should not influence one to vote against an applicant for membership to this Order.
Fellowship is that happy attribute of the human mind that makes one a social creature. One is urged to cultivate Fellowship and to receive in the spirit of equality all members of this Order.
This trinity of virtues; Character, Charity and Fellowship; if practiced throughout one’s business life will aid one in achieving the principles for which this Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International was created.
Be firm in Character, broad in Charity and free in Fellowship and one will learn how quickly the intensive sting of competition is made to vanish through the fellowship of humanity.